Pasteurella Multocida
Pasteurollosis is an infection* caused by the bacteria, Pasteurella. Pasteurella multocida is the species that most commonly infects* humans. Pasteurellosis can be spread from animal to human, but infection* is uncommon in humans. Young children and people who are already sick with another illness are most at risk.
How can I get sick?
- Bite or scratch from an infected* animal, typically pet cats, or dogs.
- Direct contact from an infected* animal’s spit or nose to nose contact or a lick from a pet.
- Eating food or drinking water that has infected* spit in it.
Symptoms in humans:
Signs and symptoms would begin to show within 24 hours after a person becomes infected*
- Skin infection (cellulitis)
- Swelling
- Redness
- Warmth
- Tenderness of the skin
- Fluid discharge at the bite or scratch
- Fever (when your body gets a little hotter than normal)
- Chills (feeling of being cold and shivering)
What can I do to stay healthy?
- Do not allow your pet to lick a baby or young child.
- Teach your children to not go near a strangers’ pet (dogs or cats) or wild animals to reduce any chance of being bit.
- If someone has been bitten or scratched by an animal, make sure to seek medical attention. Please click here to learn more information on animal bites and steps on what to do if you have been bitten or scratched.
- Infected: When germs get inside of a body, animal, or an organism.
- Infection: When germs enter your body and begin to increase.

Learn About Other Diseases
Click below to learn more about the many different diseases that can spread between animals and humans.